Buying A Car Without A Title In Hand Is Not A Problem If You Know These Ways
A car title is essential to prove that you are the owner of the car. Besides, it also helps you to determine the cost of registration and some other essential information needed. Additionally, you will also need to keep a copy of your car title for 18 months to see it as proof of sale if you want to sell your car. But, if you want to buy a car without a title in hand , what should you do? Do not worry, some of the ways below will help you. Find Out The Reason for The Lack of Title When meeting a dealer, the first question you should ask them is: “Where is the title for the car?” If the seller is honest and gives an adequately backed up explanation and evidence, then you are in luck. In essence, a lot more likely happens with a car without a title. Legality could, of course, be one of these reasons. Many people act in shady ways to gain benefits. This vehicle’s power of attorney was likely lost or dropped somewhere. Even worse, it was destroyed or damaged. A stolen vehicle’s p...