How Long Are Brake Pads Good For: Check On Them Once in a While

How Long Do Brake Pads Last

How Long Do Brake Pads Last?

Brake pads may last about 40,000 miles on average or anywhere between 20,000 and 65,000 miles. The lifespan of brake pads can be affected by your driving habits or the type of pad you use. I’ve had some that lasted as low as 10K!

Brake pads can be costly upkeep of your car, but luckily there are tons of ways to prolong their lifespan. The most common way is by changing them every 20-40k miles and switching between various types depending on the environment you drive in (pavement or dirt).

How do I know when my brake pads need changing?

Brake pads will wear out over time and need replacing, even if they show no signs of damage. The most common sign that brake pad replacement is needed is squealing or screeching noise when you apply the brakes. If this sound persists, your car might be in danger of a collision! Another sign would be grinding noises from the wheel.

Why do my brake pads wear out quickly?

From time to time your car may need new brake pads. This is because over the course of driving, both heat and friction take their toll on them. And while it’s important that you don’t skimp when buying a set for your vehicle, there are differences between front brakes and rear ones–so be mindful! Your braking habits play an influential role in how much wear-and-tear each type will sustain; as more braking power comes from up front than back here (due mainly to weight distribution).

Should I replace all brake pads at once?

It depends on your car. If you’re getting brakes done professionally, the mechanic will tell you if all brake pads need to be replaced at once or not–though it’s a good idea to get them inspected soon after purchase anyway.

Are front or rear brakes more important?

To be honest, the front and rear brakes are equally important. The fronts do most of the stopping, but the rears help to keep you stable by braking slightly earlier than them in heavy-breaking situations.

So yeah, they’re both important!



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