How Long Do RV Air Conditioners Last?

How Long Do RV Air Conditioners Last?

An RV air conditioning unit is responsible for keeping the living space cool during warmer days and nights. But how long do RV air conditioners last?

How Long Do RV Air Conditioners Last?

In general, RV air conditioners can last from 3 to 5 years, according to the AC unit manufacturer. Cleaning, maintenance, and upkeep of an RV air conditioner is an annual chore.

Read More: Top 9 Best RV Air Conditioners: Midea, Coleman or Domestic

The lifespan of an RV air conditioner is usually determined by its size, large units lasting longer than small units.

Air conditioners are typically rated in BTUs or British Thermal Units. The more expensive a unit is, the more efficient it will be and therefore the longer it will last. Prices also depend on how much power — measured in Watts — the system draws to operate.

RV Air Conditioner Power Consumption

The power consumption of an RV air conditioner is measured in watts, and the higher the wattage, the more power it requires to run. When considering how long do RV air conditioners last, it is important to know that installing a higher-powered unit will significantly increase energy consumption and lead to higher utility bills.

See More: Can I Run My RV AC All Day?

Installing a larger air conditioner does not necessarily provide better cooling, and it may even make the unit harder to maintain. The key to a long life is proper air circulation, which in turn depends on installing an adequate-sized unit.




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