Why Do RV Owners Cover Their Tires?

Why Do RV Owners Cover Their Tires?

RV owners are not usually known for their tire-shredding skills. The secret might be that they actually go out of their way to make sure these tires stay covered before heading out on a road trip. In this article, we’ll explore the reasons why do RV owners cover their tires.

Why Do RV Owners Cover Their Tires?

First, let’s talk about the benefits of covering your tires with plastic sheeting or a tarp ahead of time. There are many good reasons for doing so.

Read More: Top 9 Best RV Camper Tires: Bridgestone, Michelin or Dunlop

The first reason to cover an RV tire is to protect it from sunlight. Exposure to sunlight can weaken the rubber, causing it to dry out and permanently shrink. Once this happens, the tire can no longer be used; therefore, it is a major cause of RV tire failure.

Permanent tire damage can also happen when the tires are exposed to high heat from direct sunlight. Heat can melt or warp the rubber and create cracks that will cause leaks and poor tread life. If you have an older RV, it might be time for new tires anyway.

A person can prevent many problems that come with traveling on a bumpy and winding road. Debris such as rocks or dirt can easily get stuck into the tires and cause flat tires. When the tires are covered, it keeps them from getting dirty so they last a lot longer.

It also prevents the tires from becoming dusty before going out on long road trips. Dusty tires can create glare which could make driving very dangerous.

See More: Should RV Tires Be Off Ground?

By keeping the tires covered, RV drivers can avoid these problems. In addition, RV owners can also hide dirt and debris from view. These things can be easily swept away once the tire is uncovered.

Another benefit is that it saves on valuable storage space in the garage, and it makes sure that the RV will remain clean.
Finally, RV owners don’t want to forget that it is common courtesy for the owner to do his part in keeping the garage clean. A blemish on the garage floor or dirty tools can easily be got rid of by a good cleaning. If you have a home gym, keep a mop handy.

You can take a look at these tips as a way to take care of your RV tires ahead of time.

source https://automotivegearz.com/why-do-rv-owners-cover-their-tires/


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